Category Archives: Pursuit of Media

People leaving TV for the Internet! Who would have thought.

Short rant: We are not stupid, Obama and the Mainstream Media

I get tired of the Mainstream Media and Obamaistas thinking we are stupid.  Most of the time, anyone who gives a damn about the world is their news over the internet.  That is why Obama wants to control the internet, because they can then shut off anything that they don’t want anyone to hear.  Anyone with a brain who hasn’t seen Jersey Shore can figure things out.  You just have to think.


Those who support Obama, a Obamaista is a supporter of Obama, similar to the Communists in Nicaragua were  called the Sandinistas

Andrew Breitbart-R.I.P

Photo of Andrew Breitbart by Gage Skidmore

Photo of Andrew Breitbart by Gage Skidmore

Today, we found that conservative Andrew Breitbart, creator of, has passed away.  Others have put forth better eulogies, so I won’t say anymore.  He left behind a wife, 4 children and millions of fans.  Andrew Breitbart-May he rest in peace.