Category Archives: Project AL

The Clarion Call-Part 3 of Project Army of Light

We are now fighting a war of ideas against a relentless enemy that has the Mainstream Media and The Bureaucracy in its back pocket.  They plan to remould the earth in their own image and in doing so plunging the world into darkness and slavery.  They co-opt religion in their battles under the banner of Social Justice while having their friends in Secular Atheism enter the battle as well to push the world into a socialist utopia.

The Left say we hate;  that we are bigoted, when we don’t accept their corrupt ideology.  They ridicule anyone who promotes traditional values.  We get discouraged when the world turns away from Good to Evil.  Some say we should let the world burn; that we are in the End Times.  That soon Jesus will come so we should withdraw from the world until he comes.

The problem is if that is true, then we are in the time where the Antichrist and his armies come for us.  When Jesus is to return, then what will we say when we sit on our asses until his army of angels come.  I don’t think our Lord will like that.  Instead, we shall today fight back against Satan and his army of darkness.  We have remnants that have been forming to fight back, but we need to work together to do what is needed. Its time to shout the clarion call to unite.

I say we form an Army of Light to fight those who wish to plunge the world into darkness.  As Ben Franklin said, “We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”  We must unite together, not in theology, but in purpose, to protect us from tyranny;  to keep us from slavery; and to shine our light on the darkness.

If we fail to act, then evil shall all come for us, like they did in the totalitarian governments of the last century.  We already know who usually gets taken first.  It’s usually the Jewish people, who are scapegoats for all the problems of the world.  Our Jewish brothers know this so well.  That is partially the reason for the State of Israel.  Let us not allow another holocaust of not only the Jews, but every freedom loving person of the planet.

The question you are probably are asking is how?  Well, we are already doing it.  We have the Tea Party Movement in America, and what looks like a beginnings of an international party movement whom recently met with Glenn Beck.  We have clergy who have joined the ‘Black Robe Regiment’ and repudiated liberation theology.  People are leaving the Mainstream Media in droves in search of truth.  They are going to alternatives like talk radio, Fox News and the Internet.  Although we have lost Andrew Breitbart, there are armies of bloggers like myself ready to take his place in verbal combat with the Left on the Internet.  We are using with social media, like Twitter, Facebook, and Freedomworks FreedomConnector, so we can share, and organize with ease.  We are on the beginnings of a united front.

Now, you may say that right now, ‘we are not walking lock step, like the left does.’  We may not be organized like the Left, but that is because we are individuals, not the endless drones the Left uses who are parts of a collective, like the unions.  We actually think about what we believe.  The Left may have a head start on organizing, but we will fight tooth and nail against the socialist nightmare they plan for us.  For the left doesn’t see that we surround them, not the other way around.  As Thomas Jefferson said, “Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God”.  So I say its time to fight tyranny with God’s blessing, and form an Army of Light’.

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The Vise-Part 2 of Project of A.L.

Engineer's bench vise or fitter's vise - image...

Engineer's bench vise or fitter's vise (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We already know that “The Barbarians” are after your family, but there is something else going on with your work.  For those who work for someone for a living, we are often put in a vise trying to working ends meet instead of taking care of the family or meeting spiritual needs.  Much of “the vise” squeezing on us has most of the time, nothing with your employer directly, but the taxes and regulations created by our large, unruly Federal government.  I am not saying your employer is totally free of fault with anything, but many of the problems in the workplace occur due to the government.

Another Part of the vise is Bad Capitalists.  I say bad capitalists, because the capitalist system isn’t at fault, even though Occupy Wall Street says so.  We have bad capitalists because of the lack of ethics and leadership in leaders of today’s boardroom.  The part of the problem is the decline of Judeo-Christian values in today’s society.  In business schools and colleges, the only thing is taught is how to maximize profits for shareholders or themselves.  Yes, executives have a legal responsibility to shareholders, but they also have an eternal responsiblity to his Creator and his fellow-man as said in the Bible.  Biblically based ethics are not taught anymore in today’s universities, and you’re lucky if real capitalism, not crony capitalism is taught in Business Schools.  Some of the faculty of business schools are often times marxist wolves in capitalist sheep’s’ clothing.

The other problem that produces bad capitalists is the group-think that many business grads are taught, instead of thinking original ideas.  Much of this trickles down to the blue-collar level with such liberal gobbledygook such as sustainability and reducing carbon usage.  I know this because I work at Wal-Mart.  For example, the standard dress code is blue shirt and khakis.  After a few months, other retailers decided to change their dress code to be exactly same as Wal-Mart’s, thus making every associate at Wal-Mart and those stores look the same.

The last thing that causes bad capitalists is crony capitalism, or better put, the government picking and choosing winners.  Now, I don’t want to sound like a liberal who bashes capitalists, but I would rather have companies try real capitalism, not crony capitalism, which unlike communism, works every time it’s tried.  Let us try to get rid of bad capitalists and not the Capitalist system.

If the top of ‘the vise’ is Big Government and Bad Capitalists, then Big Labor is the bottom.  Today’s Labor Movement is not like your father’s  unions of the past.  I know this coming from a union household.  My father worked in a chemical plant.  My father told to me once about unions don’t always do what could be smart even its members best interests.  His plant had 20-some unions in the plant, where one union could have done the job.  Each of the unions didn’t want to combine, even if it would make negotiations easier for the workers.  I learned about that when I was a kid not knowing the reason why until now.  See, unions are collective organizations that subordinate the will of the people and only care about the collective, because that is the only thing that matters.  In the case of my father’s chemical plant, the unions did not want to unite, because it didn’t suit interests of each union and the greater collective.

The problem with unions today is simply put in the far left/communist slogan, “Workers of the world unite.”  The greater collective will of unions to unite over the world is to squeeze the American People and Businesses who are too small to effectively organize.  The united collective of unions, Obama, and his socialist minions want to collectivize everyone; to subordinate rights of the individual; and to switch on their ever-growing government machine to take over the world.  But we can beat this machine that the liberals, the socialists, and the communists want to stuff down our throats.  We can fight the Barbarians at the gate wanting you and your children.  We can smash the vise on our throats. We just need an army of light to fight back the darkness that I see coming.

Barbarians at the gate-Part 1 of Project A.L.

Protesters at the Occupy Wall Street protest i...

Some of the Modern Day Barbarians-Protesters at the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today, we are fighting a battle with modern barbarians.  Some take the form of liberal pundits on television while others are in Occupy Wall Street or the Environmental Movement.  Others are in the Obama administration or Muslim Brotherhood or SEIU.  Like Attila the Hun or Genghis Khan, none of them want to listen to reason.  All they want to do is tear everything down to serve their own ends.  They do not want religion or if they do, its one of their own design, so they can get away with sin, or at least what they think.  Because in the end we all have to meet our Creator for judgment even if you don’t believe in Him.

If they are the barbarians, so we must be the Romans, trying to protect what is left of civilization.  The barbarians are trying to destroy the last bastions of good in the world, the only things that can stop their huge machine:  The Church and the Family.  The war against The Church has been ever-present since it was founded, but the latest assault began when Obama removed the matter of conscientious restrictions from Obamacare.  Obama knew what he was doing;  He was going after the ‘big gun’ in Christianity; Roman Catholic Church.  As Glenn Beck said, “We are all Catholics now.”  Well, we are all Romans now, but we aren’t pagans.  We are Christians and Jews trying to keep a hold on our civilization from the Barbarians of Secularism, Progressivism and I dare say, Communism, because some of them are becoming Stalinist in attitude.

Attila the Hun statue.

One of the original barbarians Attila the Hun statue. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They have succeeded in spreading their worldview which is accepted by most of the cultural elites, who try drown our families in multiple waves of perversion and filth in Television and Movies, and the Internet,  but those families are also the light in the darkness, a shelter for the ships in this storm.  That is why they want to destroy or ridicule The Family everyday along with religion.The Family and The Church can fight this back, but I am sad to say that some don’t care.  Many parents let the schools inculcate their children in secular values.  Then, when the children get home, the parents let the television or the computer be the babysitter.  We must stop that in our own homes or we will lose this Civilization to the Barbarians.

The Family and the Church are under assault because they are the two civilizing organizations in our society.  The other side knows that without either, a person can get to believe or do anything.  The Family and the Church inculcate values, especially values about freedom.  That is why the Barbarians value their association with the teachers unions.  The teachers unions are the indoctrination wing of the Secular Socialist Left.  The Left knows if you have the children, all you have to do is wait till they grow up.  That is where they get the Occupy Wall Street and members of the Mainstream Media.  The same thing for those that have the cancer of progressivism in the churches.  If you have the Family and The Church, then you can probably get away transforming America into a Socialist nation

In the next piece, we talk about how you are put in a vise by others who wish to keep you from your family and religion.

Project AL

Hello, Everyone.  Sorry I haven’t giving an original post in a week.   I have a day job (or in reality, a overnight job) that sometimes keeps me from posting every day.  My days off are Wednesday and Thursday so that is when I can put out big post.  Usually, Friday and Saturday are bad days for posting because I am usually too tired.  So expect small posts if any on Sunday thru Tuesday;  Large post on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Morning.  Now for the Topic I am talking about is Project AL.  I named that because I don’t want the real name out yet.  It will have a special page instead of just a blog entry.  It will different from the blog, but it will go along with topic of freedom and how to take it back from the goverment who wants to control everything.  I plan to have it out shortly.


Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Movies


P.S.  I forgot to announce on the blog that we have a picture now on the right side bar “Breitbart is Here.”  If you click on it you will go to a site that sells t-shirts of that picture of Breitbart with receipts going to his family.  Breitbart will never be forgotten.